Business Card - Arisu Choi

With love
Arisu Choi

Official ArisuChoi

So here, our FINAL to FINAL official logo. It's final alr. We decided to use three different color for our watermark. So that's three our official colors, font, shape and everything. So yeah.
We didn't claim that pattern belong to us but that's our official, Arisu Choi logo.

So, yeah.

With love
Arisu Choi

New logo

So today we come out with new official logo. Simple yet focus to our official color. Yellow and Black. But blue and pink still our first colors, first for everything. Legit. LOL.

Btw, this one is not done yet. Roughly they look like that.


Turn out we coloring them crazily. Dont know which color should be ours. Time to think.

Think, which.


With love
Arisu Choi

Hoodie and T-shirt

*click images for details.*

Email us if you would like order. Now limited to black and white color only.

(This is fanmade, not original)

With love
Arisu Choi